
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Fading Blackholes

    Does After Black-hole Phenomena Exist ?

 The theory of hawking radiation , states, Black Holes doesn't always stay as it . However they slowly radiate away at the rate of  1/3 of the speed of light  this speed of radiating black hole could be altered only if have its own spin . 

But , today we are not discussing  about Black hole fully . Even though we will discuss the formation of black holes later on . The point of this article is to put an assumption about, what happens after the black hole radiate away ? Or, Is it ever possible for Black hole to completely vanish away from our space-time ?

The formation of blackhole occurs when the massive star bigger than Chandrasekhar's Limit which is of about 18 to 19 times bigger than our Sun  , begins to looses it's nuclear energy and as it looses the core of the star is such in highly dense the gravity  starts to pull over the nuclear energy . The nuclear energy in the center of the star get weaken and as it does the star collapse into infinities density point and forms the black hole . The black hole contains three spheres or rings around it . First is the sphere of photo , here the gravitation pull is higher than most of all curve space-time massess . However if any object enters inside this there is a possibility to escape away , more importantly light itself can escape from here . Second is the Event Horizon , here escaping is not so easy ! If the matter and light enter in the Event Horizon possibility of them escaping away it 1/3 and 1/2 from their potentiality respectively.  Third part is what know as Singularity , here escaping is impossible once matter or light goes inside could never come out .  In a different sense Singularity is the mouth of Black Hole . Also Black Hole is a messy eater.

 The Hawking radiation .

Hawking radiation explains , the Black hole does not always stay as it is , however due to constant momentum and destruction of masses  , black hole radiate away in a form of energy and mass as black hole slowly looses it potential . The radiation starts from the photon sphere as  one mass knocks out another and spin off into cosmos .Also due to constantly spin and increasing into the momentum the mass that going inside the black hole center can also get shredded and turns it's surface structure into the form of energy ,this mean that black hole doesn't always eat up till it's stomach gets fill and then close up , it might dies or radiate due to starving .
 But , since some of the Black holes are as much old as our universe . It is possible that black holes will ever radiate ? Or  If they will fade away , Are they going to leave gaping hole in our curve space time or simply close their self like zip wrap ?


If we imagine Black hole into curve space time , it provide curve cone , the depth or height of the cone depend on the Event horizon , suppose if  the distance from a point of A to B in the Event Horizon is 300 light years roughly of about 2.838x10^15 in kilometers. This takes around 1.5(2.838x10^15 )light years for the black hole to zip up , however this is one of the smallest kind of an Black Hole . If the intake of the matter inside the center gets filled ,  Now imagine the black hole itself closing down and all the masses that has been converted into energy drifted away , however some matter who are lucky enough to get into the point of singularity , are they gone forever  and Vanished from our Cosmos  ?

Holes in the fabric of Cosmos.

To answer the previous question , First we need to imagine another possibility when the black hole completely radiate away or looses it's power .

Imagine there is large pond filled with drinking water , but every now and then random person comes and take about  a bucket water from the pond. Since this happen very frequently , that the pond dries out then it's predicted time , however it leaves a large dung filled with soft squeaky mud, even though the outer most layer of the mud turns into salty sand after while . Here you can imagine black hole which is drying out and the cone is shrinking either vertically or horizontally . It is not possible for the cone to  shrink in both ways at the same time due to the reason of curve space time.

Once again , imagine the pond which was once muddy and squeaky , if you want to you could just dig hole in that area trying to bring up the water . But as much as you try there is lesser chance to get the water simply because the dry period have overly come over . Now , imagine this whole process in black hole  as the event horizon radiating  which is making center of the black hole smaller in the radius , Since the  radius of event horizon is  also decreasing (drying out ) , on the other hand it is revealing center of the black hole for the matter to get inside , this makes the black hole's stomach full faster , therefore creating more chances for black hole to burst into the cosmos spreading more exotic energies . Meanwhile  there is a slight chance for the black hole to get smaller and small and then simply fade away.
Although , it might be possible for black hole to never leave it's place . Just imagine a glass of water if you take half out of it then half left , then again take half out of it left with one quarter ,and so forth leave behind just one water molecule , you can perhaps say that there is no more black hole but in reality there is the tiniest particles representing it .

In the nutshell

we reach that there are other possibilities subsequently completion radiation of black hole , however we also reach in conclusion that black never leaves it remain there maybe in smaller radius .

Do let me know which one you think is possible in the comments below.

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